With ripe D'Anjou Pears abundance on the counter, they were calling me to use them. Pears are so great by themselves that I rarely mix them with anything, but my kids and I wanted to make something new! One great thing about having 5 kids is that they are so willing to help make new yummy and healthy foods! Plus, they get to lick out the blender~motivating! :)
This recipe can actually be made top to bottom or bottom to top. Here is what I mean, we made it into a tart, but liked it in pudding form better than more solid pie form, so you can make the Pudding first and top it with the crumbles of the crust, stick a pear slice and orange zest on top and voi-la, a great pudding cup. OR you can do it like this:
For the crust:
3/4 C Pecans
1 C unsweetened Shredded Coconut
1 C Pitted, Sun Dates
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
Blend on low until the nuts and dates are well chopped. You may have to push the sides down a few times in the blender until it is mixed to your liking. I personally like small date pieces.
Press into a tart dish, pushing the sides up all the way around.
For the Pudding Filling:
1 Pear
2 C Cashews, soaked at least 10 minutes (warm water makes them soften faster)
1/2 C Raw Honey
1 tsp Pure Vanilla
2 Oranges, juiced (about 1/2 C fresh juice) *Scrape off some zest and set aside in a bowl before you juice them)
Blend on high until smooth, at least one cycle.
Pour into crust.
Top with fresh cut Pears and Orange Zest.
Enjoy soft right away or refrigerate or freeze for a delicious dessert later.